Saturday, July 2, 2011


Saturday, July 02, 2011
Last night around 11:00, Niki called and asked if we wanted to go to the Hale Centre Theatre in WVC today at 12:30. Her neighbor friend asked her if she wanted them since she couldn’t. There were four of them. Judy called Judy Pavia and asked if she and Len would like to go with us. There were four tickets.
Len drove and we had a good visit each way.
We saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, the musical version.
I think it is/was the most enjoyable performance I have ever seen. It was just hilarious and had a lot of twists and turns and a surprise ending. I think it would be fun to see again and see if I missed any of the innuendos. They were coming a mile a minute.
Following is Judy’s facebook entry from a couple of nights ago.
Extreme Makeover Team comes to SLC
by Judy Dean Jepson on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 12:21am
Great night - we just attended a fundraiser for Jonah Gomez that included entertainment from David Osmond, Thurel Bailey, Alex Boye, and comedian Jason Hewlett (a mission companion of Niki's husband, Greg). Very talented men. We had VIP tickets and front row seats. Jonah's mom, Jessica Kasparian Gomez, grew up with my kids. Jonah has 2 very rare blood disorders that require regular transfusions and extensive care with high medical expenses. They were surprised last Thursday, along with Jonah's sister, Ellie, by Ty Pennington and the "Extreme Makeover" team. The were whisked off to Disneyland while the community of professionals and volunteers of more than 1,300 have rushed to build a new home in the Daybreak community southwest of Salt Lake City. Can't wait for them to come home Wednesday afternoon and for everyone to shout "Move that bus!"

Sunday, May 13, 2007

2 September, 1999

Too long you’ve sat you oaken log,
Who keeps a vigil of the bog,
Who, fallen ‘cross the old deer trail
Lies bane to man and host to frog.

For from the north a chill arrives,
To change at last our autumn lives.
And with it, fog that blacks the night,
And casts away the starlit skies.

Yes, it will give me much delight
To cart you home this autumn night
To steal you, perch of croaking frog
To warm my hearth and give me light.